We’re delighted to welcome both Kristy Wallace and Bill Haley on Peace Talks to talk about The Repentance Project.
Kristy Wallace is the director of The Repentance Project. As an undergraduate student, she studied Afro-American Studies and Public Policy at the University of Maryland (UMCP). Kristy attended graduate school at Moody Graduate School (MGS) in Chicago, IL. At MGS she was introduced to God as a God of justice. Kristy’s training in trauma-informed Intentional Listening administered by Wellspring Counseling has allowed her to walk with families living in poverty as they journey toward healing.
The Rev. Bill Haley is the Executive Director of Coracle. A graduate of Bethel College (1991) and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (magna cum laude, 1994), he is an Anglican priest and spiritual director, having completed his training with the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation (2007). With his wife Tara and four kids, Bill currently lives at Corhaven in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley.
The Repentance Project exists to encourage racial healing by communicating the systemic legacies of slavery, building relationships, and creating opportunities—through formation, repentance, and repair—for a just future.