Peace Talks Podcast


TORY BAUCUM Episode Graphic


Dr. Tory Baucum, Director of the Center for Family Life at Benedictine College, served for 30 years as an Anglican Pastor, seminary and university professor.

In this past decade he and Elizabeth, his wife, worked ecumenically and closely with the Catholic Church, especially with the Italian movement Mistero Grande and its founder Don Renzo Bonetti. The Baucums spoke at the Vatican’s 2015 World Meeting of the Family in Philadelphia.

Beginning in 2018, Tory’s friends, Fr. Paul Scalia and Fr. Dominic Legge O.P., prepared Tory and his wife for acceptance into the Catholic Church. Archbishop Naumann received them into the Church Easter of 2020.

Since then, Tory has served in the Archdiocese of Kansas City-Kansas. On Feb 19, 2003, Professor Baucum was inducted into the Copernican Academy in Torun, Poland in recognition of his life’s work in peace building.


“It’s terrible when we take religion or the Christian faith and turn it into an instrument of division and abuse.
