Peace Talks Podcast


Sheila Wise Rowe


Sheila Wise Rowe is a truth-teller who writes passionately about matters of faith and emotional healing. She advocates for the dignity, rights, and healing of abuse survivors, those carrying racial trauma, and racial conciliation. Sheila holds a Master’s degree in Counseling and has lived in the USA, Paris, France and Johannesburg, South Africa.

For over twenty-five years Sheila has been a counselor, educator, writer, spiritual director, and speaker. She is a member of the Community Ethics Committee of Harvard Medical School, a policy-review resource for its teaching hospitals. 

She is a member of the Redbud Writers Guild and writes essays for several publications including; The Redbud Post,, The Art of Taleh, and The Boston Sunday Globe.  Sheila’s book; Healing Racial Trauma: The Road to Resilience released by InterVarsity Press (IVP) in 2020 was awarded the 2021 best book in Christian Living/ Discipleship by Christianity Today. When Sheila is not writing or counseling she creates art, and crafts or searches for treasures in local antique and thrift shops.


“If we all speak up and engage in small and large acts that pursue love, peace, and justice, we can dismantle the systemic structures that promote racism, xenophobia, White supremacy, and privilege.”
