Peace Talks Podcast

Rich Villodas

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We’re delighted to welcome pastor and author Rich Villodas to join us for a brave conversation about formation, justice, and peace!

Rich Villodas is the Brooklyn-born lead pastor of New Life Fellowship, a large multiracial church with more than seventy-five countries represented in Elmhurst, Queens. Rich holds a Master of Divinity from Alliance Theological Seminary. He enjoys reading widely, preaching and writing on contemplative spirituality, justice-related matters, and the art of preaching. He’s been married to Rosie since 2006 and they have two beautiful children, Karis and Nathan. He is also the author of The Deeply Formed Life and Good and Beautiful and Kind.


“My working definition of the gospel is the good news that the kingdom of God has come near in Jesus Christ. And that in his life, death, resurrection, and enthronement, the powers of sin and death no longer have the last word. And if that’s the starting point, then the gospel is more than just a postmortem reality. The gospel is more than just an atonement theory. The gospel is more than just the forgiveness of sins. The gospel primarily is about a person. It’s about Jesus Christ. And that the kingdom has been made available in him.”