Peace Talks Podcast

Rev. Jin Cho

Jin Cho Headshot


The Rev. Dr. Jin H. Cho is an Anglican priest committed to helping local congregations have courageous conversations about race and justice. He received his doctorate of ministry from Fuller Seminary for his project to encourage such dialogue among pastors in his city entitled “Race, Evangelicalism, and the Local Church.”

He leads a diocesan task force for diversity and inclusion, and works with the Brehm Center (Fuller Seminary) to help pastors integrate worship, preaching, and justice. He has over twenty years of experience leading churches, and is currently working on a missional church plant in Orange County, California. He and his far more interesting wife Esther have two extremely extroverted teenagers.


“I’m trying to do two things.
One is to create a safe space in which people’s defensiveness and the temperature of the room can go down so that there’s a space for us to ask questions and learn from each other.  And then the other thing that I want to remind people is that this space should also be a brave space. To say that it’s a brave space is also to say that we want to be a space in which we can be honest about our pains.”

