Peace Talks Podcast

Lisa Colón Delay

Lisa Colón Delay Peacetalks


We’re delighted to welcome teacher, spiritual director and podcaster Lisa Colón DeLay to join us for a brave conversation about formation, justice and peace!

Originally from Puerto Rico and now based in Philadelphia, Lisa has an MA in spiritual formation and a passion for leading others in formational practices.

When she’s not interviewing guests like Krista Tippett, Parker J. Palmer and Seth Godin on her podcast, Spark My Muse, she’s teaching in many settings from graduate schools to workshops, writing for anthologies and print publications, and offering spiritual companioning and retreats.

On this episode, she talks about her own spiritual formation journey and the rhythms of justice that shape her actions.


“One of the ways I like disrupting a little bit—out of love, out of kindness—is asking people, ‘Who do you read?’ And it tends to be the people who are favored in the algorithms.”