Conversations about

Justice and Peace

Brave conversations about

Justice and Peace

Brave conversations about

Justice and Peace

We are an interdenominational organization cultivating the character of individuals, churches, and communities necessary to pursue peace through kingdom justice in the manner of Jesus.

NOURISH Daily coming in september 2024!

During NOURISH Daily, you will receive an email each morning in September that includes resources for spiritual practices, audio and visual meditations, videos, and prayers all designed to renew and encourage your soul.⁠

Book study

We will be reading Our Unforming: De-Westernizing Spiritual Formation by Cindy S. Lee.

Beginning Thursday, September 7th and continuing on Thursdays throughout the month.

7pm CST on Zoom.

Led by Gregory Thompson and Katie Haseltine.

Our Unforming: De-Westernizing Spiritual Formation by Cindy S. Lee Image

From Reclaiming the Nation to the Resurrection of the Dead

Article in a series of articles called A People of Repair; a series to explore a critical question facing every American Christian who seeks to live faithfully in this world […]


On Power and Politics: The Trust of a Black Woman

Black women have historically fought for ourselves, our families, our communities, and a country that has never loved us back.  […]


Live Each Day Twice: A Small Way Forward in the Prayer of Examen

Most of us live our lives hour by hour without much awareness of the larger story that’s being told or our part in it. , […]

Do You Want to Be Well?

Diagnosis, Treatment & Healing for the Church in America

For the sake of the church’s healing, we are freely offering the recording, along with supplementary materials, from our online conference “Do You Want to Be Well?:  Diagnosis, Treatment, and Healing for the Church in America,” which took place on Saturday, June 8, 2024.

This conference offers something constructive, something we hope can be at least deeply encouraging if not transforming.  While we spend time identifying and exploring the issues plaguing the church, we don’t stop there.  We move towards hope and healing, with opportunities for spiritual practice along the way.  In view of the sicknesses afflicting the Body of Christ in America, we feel called to walk into the light and toward Jesus for our own healing and for the sake of others.


"Justice is love correcting that which would work against love…"

Martin Luther King, Strength to Love
We work against injustice best when we work out of transformed inner lives.

- Todd Hunter, Deep Peace

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best of seven

We are celebrating SEVEN seasons of PEACE TALKS!

Join us as we relive the seven most popular episodes from the life of the show.